ScaleBugs: Reproducible Scalability Bugs

Hello! As part of the ScaleBugs project our proposals (proposal from Goodness Ayinmode and proposal from Zahra Nabila Maharani) under the mentorship under the mentorship of Cindy Rubio González,Haryadi S. Gunawi and Hao-Nan Zhu aims to build a dataset of reproducible scalability bugs by analyzing bug reports from popular distributed systems like Cassandra, HDFS, Ignite, and Kafka. For each bug report, we will analyze whether the reported bug is influenced by the scale of the operation, such as the number of nodes being used or a number of requests. The resulting dataset will consist of bug artifacts containing the buggy and fixed versions of the scalability system, a reproducible runtime environment, and workload shell scripts designed to demonstrate bug symptoms under different scales. These resources will help support research and development efforts in addressing scalability issues and optimizing system performance.

Goodness Ayinmode
Goodness Ayinmode
Graduate in Computer Science from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Zahra Nabila Maharani
Zahra Nabila Maharani
Student at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Indonesia

Zahra Nabila Maharani is a third-year undergraduate student of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro.